enthusiasm and unswerving
directional Interests best describe
the impressive atmospheric scientist Roger J. Cheng. As an
inveterate technical scientist,
a trait exhibited during his initial days
as a student, he has persisted in his chosen field on a
path of vision, dedication and
achievement. Through his many years with
the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) at the State
University of New York Albany,
Roger developed as an articulate spokesman
for the activities of the Center and as a guide &
council to research and
technically oriented students. He has contributed enormously
to the support, the continuance and the
heritage of Dr. Vincent J.
Schaefer, the founder and long-term director of the ASRC. In
wide ranging activities through the
technical and scientific staff,
he has championed the Center's primary aim - 'To Discover and
his long and distinguished
tenure, Roger became involved with
many educational aspects. The "Natural Sciences Institute'(NSI),
a student apprentice-training
program in field research relied
on the cooperative natures of scientists like Roger Cheng. They
traveled to many of the NSI field
laboratories and to the permanent
student centers. Their direct guidance and creative applications
made them popular councilors &
informative visiting dignitaries.
Because of his lifelong involvement in areas of practical research,
technical application and
realistic interpretation, Roger evoked
the image of a true and Inveterate leader without portfolio,
who could interact on any
subject with any group peer level over years,
the students and professional scientists have given him
veneration for his candor,
technical awareness and genteel manner. A true
renaissance scientist!
a pre-college, independent
research opportunity, the NSI attracted
students that were committed to scientific futures. Many
notable scientists, in a variety
of disciplines were recruited to interact
through visitations to the resident facilities or by
progress report review. Over 26
sites were used ranging throughout the
land, sea and air, from mountaintops, to ships at sea; from
aircraft to foreign lands. This
8 to 10 week self directed, intensive learning
situations were directly involved with scientific and
technical processes. Roger Cheng
was always a contributing member of the
research and educational team at the ASRC and with the NSI.
As an industrious and innovative
investigator in the fields of frozen
participation, atmospheric particulate structure and the many
physical and chemical attributes of
related phenomena, he provided
valuable Insights into the process of investigation. Through the
manipulation of techniques, the
development of new processes and
the application of state-of---the-art tools, he was always on
the forefront or even beyond the
leading edge of understanding.
scientific discoveries have
advanced the parameters of the field
and his public display and educational Interactions have
provided popular appeal and
understanding to this side-bar of meteorology.
In the fields of cloud physics, aero biology, small
particulate chemistry and
aerosol dynamics, Roger's discoveries and refinements
to the manipulative techniques and the
aesthetic visual displays have
been legion. Throughout his professional career, he has been
a dedicated visionary, a relentless
taskmaster and an enthusiastic
advocate. No one could ask for a better companion and guide, while
traveling this particular road of
discovery and enlightenment.